Saturday, February 28, 2009

Potty Training At 4 Months!!

We have heard a lot of our friends and family say that they have had so much trouble potty training their toddlers and I thought - there must be an easier way. So I did some research and talked to my mom and found something called elimination communication. It is actually potty training for infants. Sounds crazy right? I have been doing it for a week now and it works!!! She still wears diapers but I offer her the potty at specific times and I give her signal sounds and she goes on her potty!
I am amazed every time she goes potty on her little Baby Bjorn potty chair and she seems so proud of herself. I am hoping that as she gets older the potty will be second nature and getting her fully potty trained will be an easy transition.


We Three Madsens said...

Wow thats impressive... Do you have a website link or something that I could visit for info? Although, it may be harder for a boy who has to learn to pee upright and Im not about to attempt that!

The Halls said...

My grandma did this with my dad and all his siblings - you just teach them to do their standing up part later. Here is a good website I found -

Sara said...

WOW! you're a go-getter! I'm out and about a lot, and I think that would be hard. Would you use a public restroom when you're on the go??

Roxy said...

That is amazing! I love your blog

Alethia said...

wow thats interesting