Sunday, March 22, 2009

5 Months Old Today!!!

I can't believe it has been 5 months since we had our precious baby girl. She has grown so much and is so active now. Everyday is a new adventure. She loves to talk and giggle and I could just stare at her all day long. She gets bored easily and wants to learn and do new things all the time - I have so much fun introducing new things to her - she gets so excited!! She is finally sprouting some luscious locks, we spiked it the other day after bath time fun...

I decided to dress her up in a ballet costume and she wouldn't sit still for very long and every time I laid her down, her feet went into her mouth. I love this picture because it looks like she is saying "dis my foot, you don't touch it!!"

She loves her Jumperoo more and more everyday. She started to jump really fast and high and do some ballet moves with her feet. It is so cute - we kind of caught it on video - she hasn't let us record her doing it other than this one time.


Sara said...

She is growing so fast! Adorable!

Jalynne said...

how cute!! looks like a ballerina in the making with those moves. We miss you guys! I can't believe how much she has grown since we were last up there. Wow!