Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family Update...

Well, Scott is two weeks away from being done with this quarter -WOOHOO!! He has been taking really stupid classes this quarter, which he hates but he has to do. You know - the ones they make you take that have nothing to do with the major you're in. It has been a rough transition for all of us the last month and a half. I went back to work, he went back to school and Hailey is getting to know her aunts and uncles very well. (Thanks aunties and uncles!!) Hailey is getting more fun each day she is in our lives. She is eating rice cereal now and can almost sit up by herself. She can roll from her tummy to her back and from her back to her tummy, which she thinks is really cool. Our lives are a little chaotic right now and Scott and I feel more like roommates in passing than we do husband and wife - but I know it will get better and we are doing the right thing for our family. Even with our trials right now we are so happy and feel so blessed with what we have and the opportunities we have in our lives. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends and the love and support they offer us!!!

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