Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Happenings at the Halls

It has been awhile since I have posted. I can't believe all the things that can happen in just a couple of weeks. Hailey's eyes are becoming a beautiful shade of blue and her reddish hair is turning blond. She is sprouting so fast - she is going to be tall like her daddy.
We gave her a biter biscuit the other day and she thought that was super fun. They are seriously messy but it is fun to watch her.

A couple of weeks ago Scott wanted to mow the lawn and I needed to do some work so he put her in the front pack and she was Daddy's big helper. I thought the mower would scare her but it didn't seem to bother her one bit, she had so much fun!!

We have been trying to help her learn to crawl. She HATES being on her tummy though. She ends up doing a somersault because her legs are so strong from jumping and her arms haven't caught up with them. Then she gets upset and pouts by burying her face in the floor. So cute though :)

We were at Scott's parents house the other day and Auntie Teresa and cousin Alethia were singing No More Monkeys Jumpin' On the Bed to her and she thought that was hilarious. She loves music and she will stop everything she is doing if you start singing to her.

Life is so much fun with her and Scott. I am so blessed!!

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