Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fun With Food!

As most of you know I work for Ivar's and Kidd Valley Corporate. One of our directors was having a rough go of it so I decided to cheer her up by making her something cute and yummy. She is the Director of Kidd Valley so I thought a burger cupcake would be fitting :) They turned out so super cute. I decided made a little tray and fry holder and added more fun with fries made out of sugar cookies.

Hailey really enjoyed her "bugger" as she calls them...

Here Mom, now you try - YUM!

I could not have done it without my assistant chef, she loves being mommy's little baker.

I have been making cake balls for awhile but I don't have time for much right now so it has been awhile since I have made them. I decided to try a new flavor - cherry chip cake dipped in chocolate - kind of like a cherry chocolate. I don't care for cherry chocolates but this was mighty fine :)

I have all these great ideas for fun things to make and no time to make them! I wish I could do it more - it is a great family fun thing to do! I love making things like this just for fun or to make people smile - because how can eat chocolate cake balls and burger cupcakes and not do it with a smile on your face!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Mmmm, those all look so good!